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"Growth and Expansion"

"They will say, 'this land that was desolate has become like The Garden of Eden; and the wasted, desolate, and ruined cities are now fortifies and inhabited."'

                                                       Ezekiel 36:26

Ready to grow? Start Here

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​Sit with those who sit with God, the conversation is healing.

If you hunger and thirst to know & grow in God there's plenty of room at this table. TAKE YOUR SEAT by joining our weekly devotional "PLANTED"


While I embrace this beautiful gift given to me, I didn't set out to have this ministry. It was a seed of life planted and cultivated by God for His glory. I am the product of an encounter with Christ. He interjected the life I was attempting to build by forcing together bits and pieces of pain and pleasure and gave me a healing salve, a personal introduction to himself. I am the progression of a yes and a bow to Him.


I Welcome You...

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