“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”- John 15:5
"I am the vine"
Jesus says in John 15:5, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he bears much fruit, but apart from me, you can do nothing.” In this passage, Jesus compares Himself to a vine, the source of life for every branch connected to it. A tree begins as a seed—a direct copy of its parent—and thrives only when placed in the proper soil. The seed’s responsibility is simple: stay in place. It is not in control of the process it undergoes. Instead, the process is activated by its placement in the right environment, receiving water and sunlight. Hidden deep in the soil, the hard outer shell of the seed begins to soften and break away. This death of the outer shell allows the seed’s DNA to bring forth its new identity. What grows outwardly is the manifestation of what was always inside. The vine, rich and well-equipped, nourishes the soil, providing the essential nutrients needed for seeds to sprout and grow. Without this connection to the vine, no transformation or growth can occur.
At Establishing Eden, I make it my mission to point people to the true source of life—Jesus Christ. So many search for peace, joy, and fulfillment in all the wrong places, but those treasures are only found in Him. Through Christ, we gain access to the Father, who becomes the gardener of our lives. My role is simply to assist, ensuring seeds find and stay in the proper soil. I help guide believers to understand that their only responsibility is to remain in position and let God do the transformative work. Staying in position looks like daily surrender, trusting the process, and allowing Him to break off what doesn’t belong. The fruit that follows is a reflection of His glory, not ours, and it all begins with IN HIM.
"you are the branches"
Jesus calls us to bear much fruit through our connection to Him. However, a corrupt seed—though placed in the right environment (confessing Christ)—cannot take root if it does not shed its outer shell. This shell, hardened by sin, resistance, or fear, prevents the seed from absorbing the life-giving nutrients of the vine. A seed may remain in the soil but die in the same state as it was buried or in a premature stage. Simply confessing Christ is not enough; we must abide in Him, surrendering fully to His process of breaking, healing, and renewal. This transformation requires us to die to ourselves so that we may truly live through Him.
At Establishing Eden, we act as a greenhouse for seeds struggling to take root. With God as the gardener, this is a place where the weak are strengthened, guided through tough seasons, and nurtured to maturity. First, I point people to Christ, ensuring they understand He is the source of life and growth. Then, as a garden helper, I help guide seeds, seedlings, and young plants to remain in position through the application of foundational biblical principles. These begin with primary disciplines such as faith, prayer, obedience, self-discipline, and fasting, which cultivate a strong root system. As believers grow, we progress to more complex spiritual practices like mature faith, receiving revelation, teaching, and prophecy. My mission is to equip believers to endure the continual process of dying to self, allowing God to bring forth new life through them. This fruit—authentic, God-reflecting, and full of seed—advances His kingdom and becomes a living testament to His power and love. True kingdom expansion happens when we not only abide in the vine but mature into branches that glorify Him